
Celebrating another birthday!

(left: Rachel right: Me)

Yesterday was my friend Rachel's (above) birthday! She turned 19! She had a big group celebrate with her at the cheesecake factory! We had a party of about 23 people! It was definitely a lot of fun and I really enjoyed being there to celebrate with her. The picture above was the second attempt, below is the first attempt haha.

(left to right: me, rachel, and julia)

My friend Julia decided to photobomb our picture haha. I love it though! 

(left to right: kayla, julia, me)

I love these two girls and they had me cracking up all night! They're such characters haha. This is what we look like when we aren't acting a fool! lol. You may think that we're sweet girls but take a look at the second picture below!

We're a couple of crazy kids what can I say. 


Here's what I had!

In conclusion, I really enjoyed myself and I'm glad I went.

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