
Fort Something.

Toes in the Sand

Today was a Beach day of course! ( like almost every other saturday for me here.) I went with the usual people; Kat, Wynter, and Nick.
It was definitely a lot of fun like always. I didn't really get in the water though.. I was mostly there to "tan" haha. I'm already brown idk how I "tan". But either way it was great. Just a chill relaxing day. Here's some pictures!

(all are labeled left to right.)

Abriel - Kat




                            KAT - WYNTER

Kat - Nick

Kat- Wynter

Kat - Abriel - Wynter

Kat - Nick

I really love this picture about. I haven't edited it at all. The sunsets here are naturally this beautiful. It's great.. Until next time..

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