Photoshoots Galore!

So on saturday I had the awesome opportunity to shoot these three lovely ladies you see above. I even collabed with another photographer friend of mine Nicol! It was such a great time and I am so happy that I am getting back into my shooting mode. I have been out of it for so long and it kind of took a toll on me. I know this may sound crazy, but when I don't shoot for a long time I don't feel like myself. My finger even starts twitching sometimes! It's kind of insane, I know.. haha
Anyways, Here's some real pictures from the shoot!

(Nicol shooting)
quick side note before moving onto the other pictures.. Be sure to check out Nicol's instagram and website! He's got amazing work! instagram: nicolphotography website:

Nikki Taylor

Kylie Tatro

Nikki and Julia

Julia and Kylie 

Overall these ladies were such a good time and I can't wait for our next shoot together! 
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