Happy Birthday Imani!

This post is dedicated to my bestfriend because why not tell a bunch of strangers why I love her and that it's her birthday!

 Happy happy birthday to my bestfriend Imani! I can't even think of where to start! 
I'm so happy that I met you this year at GCU and I know that my first semester here would have been SO different without you in it. Probably not as fun or interesting! God truly blessed me when he put us in the same room! He's always looking out for me and I know that it's true because now I've got you.

I wouldn't trade our friendship for anything in the world and I know that it can only get better from here. I honestly can't wait to see where our friendship goes and I look forward to all the adventures we're going to have in the future! 

You put up with me and all my foolishness and you must be crazy for that but I'm thankful! 
I truly hope you do have a good birthday and I'm so glad I get to spend the day with you. 

Here's to your last year as a teenager! Spend it well!
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