
Thanksgiving Break Recap

I just want to start off by saying that this is how my roommates and I spent our last night before break together..

Eating a ton of pizza and cuddling while watching movies! It's always a good time with them and we were sad to see each other go but happy to be going home for break!

After finally getting to LA, the first thing I did was spend two nights with one of my roommates Imani (she lives 20 minutes away from me, convenient right?!) and we had lots of fun. Then I went home and I got to spend lots of time with my grandmother and aunt. I really missed them so it was great to be home with them. Imani came over to my house a few days later which was really cool for me because none of my friends have visited my house in California!

Then of course thursday came so quickly that when I woke up I didn't even remember it was thanksgiving! I went to my aunts house with my grandmother and aunt to celebrate. We had a good time and ate plenty! Here's some pictures!

I had an amazing thanksgiving and I was so grateful to be able to go home and spend it with family. I miss them already, but thankfully I get to see them again in a few weeks for Christmas break!

I came back to Arizona on sunday! My other roommate Edie and I did a roadtrip from LA to Phoenix and it was really fun! I'm glad we got to spend time together! I vlogged the whole way so when I have the video all edited I will be sure to put a link on my next post! 

I hope everyone had an awesome break and if you're in college then good luck this week studying for finals next week! If not, I hope you have a good few weeks until Christmas comes and that you get to spend them nicely!

Until next time..
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