
Life Lately

I first want to start out by saying that I feel this selfie is appropriate because most of my life the past few weeks has been spent in a car! Whether it be driving myself, riding in the passenger or backseat, or a 20+ hour road trip! Even most of my vlogs have been made in my car! Okay, moving on..

So of course coffee has been involved in my life! I think a little more than needed sometimes, but no one can take me away from my coffee! I think that at this point I would die without it! (major exaggeration but you get the point.)

Not only have I been getting coffee alone, but I have had SO many coffee dates and I absolutely love it! There's nothing better than being able to sit and talk with someone over a nice hot cup of coffee. I don't know what it is, but it just makes me feel so happy!

Other than coffee, there's something else that's been constant in my life lately.. and that's spending time and talking to my amazingly beautiful friend you see above! Her name is Alex and I absolutely adore her! She has seriously brought some fun adventures into my life the past few weeks and even introduced me to some amazing people! This girl is the definition of a true friend and I can't get over how lucky and blessed I am to have her in my life! I mean just look at how much fun we've been having!! v v v v


Along with this wonderful guy JJ, Alex has introduced me to some great people that I am now happy to call my friends! Especially this guy because he is seriously so hilarious, and any person that can make me laugh is awesome in my book! I definitely look forward to more adventures with him!

Obviously texting is always a part of my life.. Sometimes I hate myself for not wanting to put my phone down. But I promise I'm working on being not so attached to it! It's hard but I am trying and that's all that matters, right?

Well, as you can see, life has been great for me recently and it just continues to get better and better! I'm so excited to see what this summer has in store for me and I can't wait to share it with all of you!

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