
Everything's Bigger in Texas!

So as of last saturday I have been in Texas! My family all came down to visit my grandmother who isn't doing well right now and we are staying here for the week. I have really enjoyed it so far here because I haven't been to Texas in about 7 years! Which means.. I haven't seen my grandparents, (or my two younger brothers) for 7 years! It really breaks my heart that I can't get down here more often to see my family, but I am so glad that I have the opportunity to see them now..

Pictured above is my beautiful family! Mind you, this isn't even a third of my dads side of the family but it's the family visiting at this moment. It has been such a joy to see them after so long! You truly don't realize how much you miss someone until you see them after so many long years. I feel so blessed to be surrounded by my loving family at this time because we all really need each other, especially now. It has been hard to see my grandmother "ill". You can tell that she isn't well by physical appearance but her spirit is still so strong! She is one of the strongest women I know and I have hope for her health in the future because of her strength thus far.

While in town I got to see my good friend of over 10 years, Brooke! The last time I saw her was also 7 years ago but luckily we have stayed in touch over these past few years and for that I am so grateful! She's seriously such a sweet heart and I am so glad I got to see her again! We met up at starbucks and then she took me to this amazing ice cream place called Andy's! 

I have never been to this place before, even when I lived in Texas I didn't know about it at all! The ice cream I had was absolutely delicious! I haven't had ice cream that good in a long time! I'm so glad she took me there because it was great! Brooke also was so kind as to take me to the mall, a candy store and to petland to see cute puppies!! Let me tell you, those puppies were so cute I wanted to adopt one right then and there and take it all the way back to Arizona with me! 

I decided I was a cowgirl when we first got to Texas, and I plan on being a cowgirl until I leave on Monday! I'll be heading out to North Carolina to see my sister that day, but that's a topic for another post.

What vacations are you taking this summer? Staycations count too! Tell me about them, I would love to know where you plan to spend your warm summer days!

Until next time..
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