
February Goals

February is here! Can you believe how fast the first month of the year went by? Because I definitely can not. I'm so happy that I can say that I made it through January though. It's always hard for me to get back to "real life" after the holiday season and especially after holiday break.. AKA 3 weeks off from school. Getting back into my normal schedule for school was a little rough but I have gotten the hang of it now, thankfully! 

This is my first time making a month goals post but I am excited to do so and to be able to look back and see what goals I accomplish at the end of the month. I wanted to start the year by doing a January goals post but it slipped my mind. SO here we are, starting with February. I believe that February is going to be a month full of goodness, I really do!

1. Have a few social media free days. I want to be able to spend time to myself without scrolling through twitter or facebook.. and yes that means no scrolling through bloglovin either. (cue sad violin music)
2. Spend more quality time with my roommates. Because why not? I love them so much I just can't get enough of them!

3. Attend my life group every thursday this month. Let's be real here, I can always use a little more Jesus! And it makes it even better that I absolutely love my life leader Micah!

4. Write more letters. I have a few friends on missions and just out of state friends in general that I could be writing to, but I have constantly put it off. Not this month!

5. Continue working out at least 3-4 times a week. My health is important to me, and working out is apart of that. This month I hope to actually continue on the schedule I have been on and improve!

So there you have it. 5 goals and 25 days to complete them. 
I hope that you all have some goals this month and I pray you keep the motivation to achieve them!

Comment below some goals you may have for this month, or even for this year! I would love to hear about them!

Until next time..
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  1. These are great goals! I want to be able to do at least one pull up ahh it's so hard! Having a social media free day sounds nice. I often find myself hating the constant obligation of responding to people on Facebook >.< But I can't seem to stay awayyy ahh!

    1. Thanks Amanda! I totally understand, pull ups are hard! It's so nice to have a social media free day, very hard, but it's so nice! I usually turn my phone off and give it to my roommate or just put it somewhere I know I won't mess with it and watch netflix all day! My problem is always twitter and instagram haha. You should definitely try it though! :)
