Studying for finals..

(left to right: shiina, kylie, julia, me, emily)

My school had breakfast at midnight and a big study sesh on monday! It was pretty cool! I hung out with these beautiful ladies! They're always a good time! (Shiina and Emily might be my roommates next year if I decide not to be an RA) Here's more pictures from us "studying"

The next day (Monday) I had two finals! Intro to Communications at noon and History 151 at 4:30pm. Before my Communications exam I got starbucks with Shiina (we have the class together so we walked together!). I got a free starbucks drink because the girl accidently made me the wrong size (grande) and I ordered a venti so she just let me have both. Here's my drinkssssss...

Om nom green tea <3

And then later that night we (emily, shiina, me, and katie went to get free snacks and some starbucks!
Check out my third starbucks drink for the day, and look at these photo bombers ;)

(shiina and emily)

Studying went well that night... kind of haha. We stayed up until 2 in the morning, and to be honest we didn't study that much. LOL. oh well..

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