Facts About Abriel

I know that I have not been keeping up with blogtober, and for that I apologize. However, college has been kicking my butt! I've had quite a few essays to write and I have also been helping others with their homework. I hope to post more regularly during November!

Today's topic is facts about me! I know that I am supposed to do a costume reveal on halloween but I will be very busy! I will post tomorrow about what I was and what I did so stay tuned! Now... back to the topic at hand. I had to think long and hard on what facts about myself to tell you guys. I don't think I'm THAT interesting. 

To start off.. because I couldn't think of anything insanely cool. I like nature!
If you didn't already know, I'm a photographer and I love what I do.

I love my mom, and I like to think she's my bestfriend <3 

Sushi is fabulous and it tastes amazing. I eat a lot of it.

I lived in Texas for six years of my life.

I absolutely LOVE hiking! This is from brown mountain.

This isn't that good of a picture, but the last fact is that I have awesome roommates!

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1 comment :

  1. I've nominated you for the "One Lovely Blog" Award!

    My post is at http://goo.gl/4KOpaA

