Women's Day Fellowship

On Sunday my church had women's day and it was a lot of fun! A lot of women came out and it was a really good time. Afterwards a bunch of disciples went to get pho and Pho 777.  It was a good time we all just got to have time to catch up and what not. 

If you know me in person or just really well in general, you know that I love pho! I could eat it all day and every day and probably not get tired of it! It's sooooo good! :) I got a medium sized bowl because I was really hungry. However I am pretty sure I could have gotten a large but I didn't. Oh well..



It's always a good time when I get to spend the day with my favorite people! I love all of them so very much and I don't ever want to have to imagine a life without them.

And of course I can't forget these wonderful people!  (the couples in the kingdom) SO CUTE!

After pho, we went to karaoke! I had such a good time too! I hadn't gone to karaoke for a long time. The last time I went was when I was on the cheer team in high school and we were all getting along as a team. (A LONG TIME AGO) haha.

All in all it was an awesome day and I can't wait to see what next years womens day brings!
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