Happy New Year! What's Next?

BYE 2017!
2017 was a year of so much change. It is one of the few things I am grateful came from the year. The biggest change of all would definitely have to be graduating from college! It is an achievement I thought I would never do so I am so proud! 
I also had a slight change in friends. Some came and some went. But overall I have had the greatest support system this year and they encouraged me to jump outside of my comfort zone and become a better version of myself. 
There were a lot of challenges and hard times when I just wish the year would end. However, the good times definitely outweighed the bad by far. I was able to make it back to Hawai'i to see some close friends graduate, went to EDC Las Vegas, got my first apartment off campus, lived to see another year (hello 23!), and graduated college. There were many small moments in between these that made a significant difference in my year, but I cannot share them all.. I would be writing for days! There are so many good memories from 2017, and way too many to even try to reflect on all.
As a new graduate, I keep getting asked, "what's next?". Truth is, I am just taking it one day at a time. I'm taking a semester off before I start school back up again and I intend to use all my new found free time wisely! I'm still on the (very long) journey to medical school, but don't expect me to be applying anytime soon. I want to grow myself as a person and learn more about myself in order to be the best med school applicant and future physician that I can! 

Here's my 2017 in a few photos from January to December! 

I am so excited to see where 2018 takes me! I cannot wait to experience the growth and happiness I am going to have and I pray that everyone has that as well! 


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