College Tips: 15 Things To Know Freshman Year

During my freshman year I learned a lot and some of these tips below may seem like common sense things to know but trust me when I say many students forget them.
  1. You don't need to bring everything you own to school with you.
  2. There is no excuse for the freshman 15. Make healthy choices and exercise.
  3. If you have community bathrooms.. WEAR SHOWER SHOES. I promise you'll thank yourself later.
  4. Mind your hygiene, PLEASE! That means brushing your teeth everyday, flushing the toilet when you're done and definitely washing your hands!
  5. GO TO CLASS. You never know when your professor is going to drop a test hint or if they'll be a "pop quiz" of some kind.
  6. Don't buy your books from the bookstore unless absolutely necessary. You will save money this way.
  7. Join clubs and Socialize!
  8. Your syllabus is and will always be your best friend. Read it and follow it.
  9. Create a resume and learn how to write cover letters for jobs.
  10. Meet and get to know your professors. Don't be afraid to stop in and talk with them during their office hours.
  11. Take advantage of all the free stuff you get in college! Food, shirts, gym membership, & WIFI!
  12. Don't be afraid to ask for help!
  13. Stay in touch with family and friends.
  14. Illness spreads quickly so always stock up on dayquil/nyquil and vitamin c.
  15. Live your life and don't take anything for granted because this is a special time in your life that you're going to cherish for many years to come. If you make the most out of it that is!
And there you have it, a few tips to keep in mind during your freshman year. Feel free to leave your own college tips in the comments!
Until next time..
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